Monday Morning Meeting - Mayank shares the story behind Saint Nicholas & Tradition behind Gifting

It's Christmas Time !
We have been celebrating Christmas by being someone's Santa or their Snowflake.
Today Mayank Banta narrated the story behind Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) and how the tradition of gifting one another began, with an activity to illustrate Indigenous Santa Claus.
#christmasishere #santaclaus #mondaymorningmeeting #elephantedsign


Monday Morning Meeting - Amruta Kalbande & Sarika Runwal talked about Journey of Innovation

Life of a Designer !
Amruta Subhash Kalbande Sarika Runwal on this Monday morning meeting took us through the journey in a designer’s life to - ‘IDEATE / INNOVATE / COMMUNICATE / DESIGN’, followed by 
An activity to solve an everyday problem by clubbing 1-2 everyday products, to come up with an innovative solution to make life better
#design #innovate #elephantdesign

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Monday Morning Meeting - Swapnil Joshi talks about Challenge Yourself ! - Doing something out of your comfort zone

Challenge yourself !
An inspirational talk by Swapnil Subhash Joshi on breaking stereotypes and doing something out of comfort zone everyday.
You don’t know what you are capable of unitll you try. Challenge yourself, break through your bubble and try something new everyday
#breaksterotypes #challengeyourself #beinspired #elephantdesign

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Design Awareness - Ashwini Deshpande talks about role of a designer while designing for the future

Monday Morning Meeting - Pradyumna Pandit talks about importance of Rules & Guidelines in our life

Life without Rules !
Guidelines and set rules are essential for a successful and progressive work life.
This Monday morning Pradyumna Pandit reflected on how our Professional work would be affected, if there were no set rules or guidelines to follow, along with an activity on various work scenarios.
#rules #guidelines #mondaymorning #elephantdesign


Monday Morning Meeting - Gerry Rebello discussed about how can things go beyond functionality

Few of My Favorite Things !
Today in #mondaymorningmeeting Gerry Rebello discussed how few things are very important and essential in one's life that we carry them wherever we go and acts as a support beyond functionality
#myfavoritethings #foodforthoughts #support #elephantdesign
